Hearing Fist of The North Star is coming to DS will put a broad smile on a good otaku’s face, but the rest of us unenlightened bastards will have no idea what all the fuss is about. Hokuto no Ken: Hokuto Kami-ken Denshousha no Michi (roughly translates as Fist of the North Star: The Way of the Storyteller of the Northern God or Boy This Title is Long) is the first faithful translation of a manga to the DS — literally. In game, you control Kenshiro, who will fight by tapping highlighted points on the screen with the DS stylus to further the story and fight.
It’s awfully pretty, but will it be interesting to play or the portable equivalent of reading a book? Only time will tell, but the concept seems really cool. You know how I feel about creative DS games….the more, the merrier.
[Via DS Fanboy – Thanks to Adam Dork]
Published: Sep 14, 2007 11:32 am