Forza 2: custom paint scheme edition

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I’d first like to apologize to everyone for my absence from Destructoid most of the day. Unfortunately Forza 2 has pretty much owned my soul since I picked it up on Thursday. Never mind the scores sites are giving the game. I’m here to focus on some of the great user created car paint schemes, as seen on the Forzamotorsport forums.

Take one look a the Okami car and then tell me that you wouldn’t want to drive around in that classy ride? If that doesn’t do it for you, there’s always the Reggie inspired Bruce Lee (or is it Reggie Wii?) car. Don’t even get my started on the Batman and Robin theme. Needless to say, this whole thing turned some gears in my own head.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see a  team of Destructoid cars on the tracks? I lack the necessary talent, but I’m willing to bet that you the readers can more than make up for that. So what do you say? Let’s get cranking on those Dtoid cars and start spreading the gospel of the apostle Niero — one track at a time.

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