Not to call anyone out…but I’m calling someone out. In an earlier story about Forza 3’s soundtrack, someone (don’t hate me!) said of the game:
Isn’t this that racing game that was extremely over hyped and no one bought it?
No. That’s wrong. You must be thinking of some other high-profile racing game. Forza Motorsport 3, the racing game we gave our Editor’s Choice award to, is doing just fine. In fact, better than fine. In just one month’s time, the game has sold over 1 million copies worldwide.
And, Mr. Someone, not only are they buying it, but they’re playing the everloving sh*t out of it. Microsoft says that 6.6 million man hours have been spent playing the game since release. It totals up to 64 million connected sessions and over 590 million miles driven in the game to date.
In poor taste to call out a reader? Maybe. It’s just that this one comment was so wrong that we felt the need to say something. Forza 3 is great. Whatever beef you have should be put aside to try it. And this is coming from a Gran Turismo guy!
[Update: Xbox top dog Aaron Greenberg adds some impressive stats in his Twitter feed for Forza 3’s performance: “$18.7 billion spent LTD on Storefront, >4M auction bids, 1.5M items 4 sale.” Wow.]
Published: Dec 8, 2009 02:20 pm