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Namco’s newest batch of screens for SoulCalibur V throw a spotlight on Aeon, Cervantes, Xiba, and Yoshimitsu. I have to say, I like what they’ve done with them. It warms me ‘eart to see Cervantes back in what is, essentially, his original form. Aeon (Lizardman) and Yoshimitsu both look pretty badass as well.
Also peppered throughout the screens and art below are shots of a few SCV‘s newbies, Leixia, Natsu, and Xiba. Leixia being Xianghua’s daughter, Natsu trained by Taki, and Xiba being the obvious Kilik fill-in.
Also, Astaroth. I love me some Astaroth.
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Published: Nov 19, 2011 05:15 pm