Fourth PixelJunk game has a name: PixelJunk Shooter

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When I saw the new installment in the PixelJunk series last month, it was as yet unnamed. Opting to hold a contest among gamers to name the new game, the team received over 10,000 suggestions and their servers buckled underneath the load of rabid fans out to see the new trailer.

Today, over at PlayStation Blog, Q-Games’ Dylan Cuthbert revealed the winning name: PixelJunk Shooter. It makes sense, since it’s a simple name and, yes, you shoot things but I can’t help feeling a little disappointed. I suppose I was hoping for a title that was a little more esoteric, something more like Eden. Still it’s a fair enough name and I dig the look of the logo.

Names which almost made the cut include PixelJunk Depths, PixelJunk Atlantis, PixelJunk Caves and PixelJunk Blaster. What do you guys think of the title? Would you have preferred one of these other options?

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Conrad Zimmerman
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