Friday Night Fights – Hell Has Broken Loose

Game with the Dtoid Community!

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Howdy folks! Welcome to another edition of FNF. For our Nintendo lovers out there, next week shall see the rise of Nintendoid, courtesy of Shade and Strider. Keep an eye out for their new blog appearing soon and hit the link above to check out what Nintendoid is all about. In other gaming stuffs, have you entered to win a copy of Saints Row IV Re-Mastered + Gat out of Hell for XB1 or PS4? Go do that silly buns! Free games are always nice after all. Contest ends Monday by the way.

If you read last week’s FNF, you know that I busted a tooth which I finally got fixed yesterday. That sucked donkey balls. Took close to two hours and hurt like hell, but I can eat solid foods again! I celebrated with a sammich of course. Dagwood (no bacon) is my current sammie jam. So good. So much meat in my mouth. Mmmmmmm. Getting back to the subject of games though, I have sworn off my Xbox for a week. My Steam backlog is pretty damn ridiculous and I haven’t been playing the new releases that I have gotten. Now of course of instead of actually tackling my backlog, I bought more games. One of the games I grabbed was The Haunted: Hells Reach and I have to say that I’m in love.  

Haunted blends the gameplay loops of L4D2 and Killing Floor with a third-person perspective, campy B-movie stereotypes/dialog and an interesting upgrade system. The upgrades are great as you earn them through experience (from killing monsters), then pick one of your three weapon classes (pistol, shottie, rifle) to upgrade and watch it be replaced with new badass gun from the same class (i.e. double barreled shottie becomes 1887, burst pistol becomes magnum, etc). The game is by no means perfect (rounds can go on too long, gets repetitive), but if you enjoy these types of games and b-movie horror, I highly suggest grabbing it on sale. Now, I must go play it after talking about it. I’ll be hosting it tonight and tomorrow, so join in if you own it.  Have a great weekend all!

New to FNF? Read this! Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself!

The planning for FNF starts in the forums, where community members sign up to host matches and post their pertinent details (game, time, Gamertag, etc.). Then, every Friday, reminder posts go up in the community blogs thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, and I recap it all here on the front page to give it a bit more exposure.

To join in, simply send a friend request to the match host! If you’d rather host something yourself, sound off in the comments section below!

Tonight’s Streamers: Add yourself in the comments if you are streaming! All games marked with * below, will be streamed. Click on the game title to be taken to the respective channel.

Here’s the up-to-date Streamtoid schedule. Wanna join in the fun? Send us an email!

Tonight’s Games:

  • Sign up to host something below!

Check the XBOX FNF blog for more info!

Tonight’s Games:

Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

Tonight’s Games:

  • Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
    Host: The black abyss of the mind
    Time: In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

Tonight’s Games:

  • Smash Bros. (Wii U)
    Host: StriderHoang (NNID: StriderHoang)
    Time: 2pm PST | 5pm EST

Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

Tonight’s Games:

  • Missing: One Blue Poo Stain
    Host: SmurfeeMcGee (NID: Smurfee_McGee)
    Time: Please call local authorities if sighted.

Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

Tonight’s Games:

  • Team Fortress 2 (Early Game)
    Time: 5pm PST | 8pm EST
  • Team Fortress 2 (Late Game)
    Time 9pm PST | 12am EST

Check out the PC FNF Blog for more info!

Free this weekend? Why not sign up to host something for Weekend Warriors?! It’s like Friday Night Fights all weekend long! Sign up in the comments or Forum thread if you’re interested!



  • See above, then go below!

Check out the Weekend Warriors thread for more info!

About The Author
Mike Martin
More Stories by Mike Martin