Fully functional NES gets squeezed into a cart

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What’s a Fami-Card? You’re looking at one, ladies and maybe-gentlemen. What you see above is the master work of a French modder named Kotomi. He actually took an NOAC (NES in a chip) and modded it into a copy of Super Mario Bros, resulting in a fully functioning finished product. If you check out the gallery pics you can get a better look at the cartridge slot, power and reset buttons and other details.

Kotomi may have too much free time on his hands, but at the same time you have to admit this beats the hell out of trundling over to your friend’s house with your original NES jammed in a messenger bag to play vintage games. It kind of reminds me of the way that cell phones keep getting thinner and smaller….maybe I can somehow have the NES built into my brain in the future, so then I can just think of a game and be playing it. It’s sure to confuse people around me, but who care about them if I can rock Kid Icarus while I’m in line at the DMV?

[Thanks Adam!] 

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Colette Bennett
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