Game Debate to the Death! 3 most anticipated games of 2008?

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In our last debate, we wanted to know what your favorite game of 2007 was. It was a heated discussion, with over one hundred votes cast for dozens of different games, but the only close competition was the fight for second place:

  • 1ST Place: The Orange Box (41 votes) & specifically Portal (16 votes)
  • 2ND Place: Super Mario Galaxy (14 votes)
  • 3RD Place: Tie (12 votes each) — BioShock, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4
  • 4TH Place: Rock Band (7 votes)
  • 5TH Place: Halo 3 (5 votes)

This week we take on another huge debate topic: your most anticipated games of 2008. Since there’s so many to choose from, I want you all to narrow it down to three ranked choices. No more, no less. Give it some serious consideration and please avoid naming multiple games as your number one favorite, because this week your ranked votes will count for more than one point. Your first place pick will get 3 points, second will receive 2, and third will get 1 point. To kick things off in an organized manner, here’s my three picks:

  • 1st: GTA IV
  • 2nd: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • 3rd: LittleBigPlanet
  • Honorable Mentions: Mario Kart Wii and Castle Crashers

Feel free to add as many honorable mentions as you’d like, but only the top three picks will be counted for points, and only if you label the three picks as first, second, and third. And most importantly, tell us why you’re so eager to play the games you listed, and what your expectations for them are. The more we know you guys are excited for a certain game, the more attention we’ll try to give those games over the next year. Get some gamer buddies to give their opinions as well, and check back next week for the winners!

Bonus: Can you name every game I added in the picture above? I attached the higher resolution version below.

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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