Game Debate to the Death! Favorite game of 2009?

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Last week‘s debate offered tons of options and the votes piled in by the hundreds. Given the freedom to vote for any game series as your favorite of all time, here were the top leaders out of the 59 different series that received votes:

  • Metal Gear Solid (31 votes) — Winner!!!
  • Final Fantasy (20 votes) — Silver Medal!!
  • The Legend of Zelda (17 votes) — Bronze Medal!
  • Mario — (9 votes)
  • Half-Life — (7 votes)
  • Grand Theft Auto — (6 votes)
  • Shin Megami Tensei / Persona — (5 votes)
  • Mega Man — (4 votes)
  • Metroid — (4 votes)
  • Earthbound / Mother — (4 votes)
  • Resident Evil — (4 votes)
  • Halo — (4 votes)

I hope you survived last week’s daunting debate, because as promised, this week’s debate will be just as huge and exhausting. Out of the hundreds of games released last year in 2009, which was your favorite?

Not only will you have to give each and every game release a thorough consideration, but you may also have to run out and buy, or finish, that one game you’ve been keeping your eyes on all year that just came out last week. Hurry up! You have all week to vote! But be warned: you may only vote for one game. Voting for more than one game will disqualify all of your votes.

I look forward to reading what the Dtoid Army chooses as their most precious packaging of pixels from 2009! Hit the fold to read this week’s bonus questions while you consider your vote.


BQ1: What made you first want to play this game? Be specific!

BQ2: Did this game meet your expectations? Exceed them? Or fall short? Why?

BQ3: Do you want to see more of this game in the future, or would you prefer it ends here? Why or why not?

BQ4: Do you expect 2010 to be a better year of gaming than 2009? Why or why not?

BQ5: Name one thing you didn’t like, or wish was improved, in the game you voted for this week.

BQ6: What was your least favorite game of 2009 that you played? Why?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
More Stories by Tom Fronczak