Game Debate to the Death! Prototype VS inFamous

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Last week’s debate was the last odd game debate in our almost year long journey! It also ended with one of the best “odd debate” matchups of the entire series, with a legendary multiplayer game with virtually no story going up a legendary single player game that oozes in verbal detail. Even though Valve didn’t create the initial spark in Portal, I think the torch has officially been passed. Don’t worry, we’ll get some Team Fortress 2 debates going in a few months. Here are last week’s results:

  • Portal (65 votes) — “Terrorists. Lose.” — Winner!
  • Counter-Strike (37 votes)

This week we go back to our debate roots, picking random reader suggested game discussions over which game, series, developer, genre, console, characters or anything else you’re interested in, is the best out of group of options. This year’s worth of odd debates has bought us plenty of time to keep from running dry, so I’m looking for some really interesting reader debate ideas!

So which game do you think is better, and why? They’re both mindless fun games that feel like twins in some aspects, and definitely cater to the same crowds of gamer audiences. There’s already been countless debates between the two, so let’s get to the bottom of it once and for all! Give it some serious thought, get some friends to share their opinions as well, and check back next week for the winner.

Bonus Question: What is one thing you disliked about the game you voted for?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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