Game Debate to the Death! Shadow of the Colossus VS God of War

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Last week was the first round of the PS2 odd debate brackets. Katamari Damacy and Metal Gear Solid 2 started things off with many Dtoiders so befuddled and torn that they didn’t know who to vote for.

At first, MGS 2 took a monstrous lead, with two votes for every single Katamari vote. Then, in some entertaining tallying irony, a proverbial ball of votes began to roll and gain speed. For several scrolls of the mouse the Katamari wad of support grew and grew, unanswered by its opposition. By the end it was an all out race for victory, with Solid Snake being chased by a giant rolling shadow. Here are the results:

  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (60 votes) — Winner!
  • Katamari Damacy (47 votes) — Good night, sweet Prince.

I’m crushed that there’s no chance I’ll be able to use the Katamari Colossus picture below as next week’s debate banner, but alas, we move on.

If you thought last week’s discussion was a tough decision of polar opposites, then get ready for a repeat of debate distraught. This week is a battle between emotions and art versus killing and action. Both games are epic, but the similarities end at their start menus. I noticed both games mentioned a lot last week in response to the bonus question, so feel free to give this debate a lot of thought.

Which game do you think is better, and why? Give it some serious thought, get some PS2 childhood friends to share their opinions as well, and check back next week for the winner.

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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