Game SERIES Debate to the Death: Mario Kart VS Gran Turismo

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Last week I think we killed a game series. No one checked to see if it was breathing, we just all ran in fear and guilt. Could we have done anything to save the series? We might have to make a pact to never tell anyone about that night, ever. Not even that hot girl you want to confide in to get into her pants. What we did was wrong:

  • Rock Band series (136 votes) — What the . . .
  • Guitar Hero series (17 votes) — Oh wow . . .

It was so bad that several of the votes for Guitar Hero were from first time posters . . . who have yet to comment since then. Should I suspect that maybe this corpse was passed around Activision and Neversoft emailers in an attempt to soften the blow of this legendary landslide? Doubtful, but last week certainly felt painful to watch. It had to be done though — Dtoid will always be the voice of gamers everywhere. Besides, I suppose it’s a good thing when the Dtoid army can damn near unanimously agree on something. Let’s see how this week goes, but this time I’m not going to be the one who has to bury the victims.

Which series do you like better as a whole, and why? What aspects or individual games of the series made up your mind? Give it some serious thought, get your racing friends to share their opinions as well, and check back next week for the winner.

Bonus Question: What was one thing you did not enjoy about the series you voted for?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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