Game SERIES Debate to the Death! SF VS MK

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I guess last week‘s debate was a Super Smash Bros. battle on stock mode set for 82 lives each — truly a debate to the death. The result was not pretty, and reminiscent to those times when you were so drunk you could only lift your head high enough to see the stock score at the bottom of the screen plummet further each time your corpse fell off the map next to it. I had expected equally memorable drunken party moments to boost Mario Party‘s overall score, but the series aspect of the debate really did it in for good.

  • Mario Party series (7 votes) — Sad toadstool mushroom man noise!
  • Super Smash Bros. series (82 votes) — Watch Luigi fall on his face!

This week we return to one of our most notorious debates over the past few years. However, this time we will not just be comparing two games, but instead debating their entire series against one another. Neither series needs any introduction, but I do want to stress that this is a series debate, and all games from both sides should be taken into consideration.

Which series do you like better as a whole, and why? What aspects or individual games of the series made up your mind? Give it some serious thought, share your thought process with all of us, and then get some fighting genre friends to join in on the fun.

Bonus Question: What are you hoping to see in the future from the series you voted for?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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