Game SERIES Debate to the Death! T. Metal VS G. Turismo

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Last week‘s debate will hopefully be a wake up call to those responsible for the Mortal Kombat series’ future. The numbers from our microcosm debate poll may show that a small group of people are happy with the series overall, but the comments suggest otherwise. I’m not surprised at all by the outcome, but it still needed to be done to shine a spotlight on a series that continues to fall more and more behind its competition in popularity and replayability. Here’s the landslide results:

  • Street Fighter series (108 votes) — Winner!
  • Mortal Kombat series (22 votes) — Babality!

However, that’s not to say that Street Fighter is near perfect, and you all offered a lot of great insight on what could or should be improved in the series in the future.

This week we have a classic case of fun versus realism by taking a look at one of the most interestingly divided genres in all of gaming. Some prefer only realistic racers, while others prefer realistic graphics with fudged physics to allow for gameplay to be as fast and intense as possible in a variety of real world locations where it would surely be illegal to try in real life. Others desire less serious racing games that focus instead on fictional tracks and circumstances. And then there’s the crowd who just wants to blow stuff up . . . while driving.

Which series do you like better as a whole, and why? What aspects or individual games of the series made up your mind? Is your choice mainly due to support for that series, or your dislike of other series? Give it some serious thought, share your thought process with all of us, and then get some racing genre friends to join in on the fun.

Bonus Question: What are you hoping to see in the future from the series you voted for?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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