Game SERIES Debate to the Death!Mario Golf VS Tiger Woods

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Time to tee off and debate until you’re tee’d off! From turf to rough we move on from last week‘s debate to another sports series Dtoid discussion.

Debate dare: read the rest of this in your best Madden voice. “Well, yuh, you see, it’s like this. EA had first possession with a strong Samit offense, but then Midway came down the middle with a hard blitz. Hyuhehehe, this, this, this is where things get interesting. EA responds with a zig here and a zag around the back, but that didn’t work. So then they decide to call out Samit and send in Detry with 4 votes and inches to go. Wait — what? I lost?!” Okay, enough of that. Interestingly, last week’s football debate score turned out much like a football score:

  • Blitz series (21 votes) — Winner!
  • Madden series (6 votes) — Fumble!

This week brings probably the last sports debate for a while. Don’t worry, I do not plan on going through each Mario sports spinoff series one by one, it ends here. However, I do have a few more series debates planned, and I’m up for adding a few more if you leave suggestions in the comments.

Which series do you like better as a whole, and why? What aspects or individual games of the series made up your mind? Give it some serious thought, get your golf friends to share their opinions as well, and check back next week for the winner who will receive quiet golf claps as a reward.

Bonus Question: What is one thing you do not enjoy about the series you voted for?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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