GAME UK gets that expensive Mirror’s Edge Collector’s Edition

A whopping 160 quid to purchase

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Hey, do you like Mirror’s Edge? Do you have a mighty £159.99 lying around your house with which to buy some video game tat? Well, it looks like GAME UK has an exclusive box of stuff in addition to the actual game to sell you.

This particular edition of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst gets you a 14-inch diorama of Faith, a steelbook and lithograph, a set of ten concept pieces, a temporary tattoo, another temporary tattoo, and a box.

Yeah, why do I feel like this might not be entirely worth the asking price? There’s not even an overly elaborate helicopter or set of night vision goggles in it like other overly expensive editions of games.

So, are you going to cough up £159.99 for this? 

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Laura Dale
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