Games Media Awards: the images (quantifiably NSFW)

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Having vague and hazy recollections of this week’s Games Media Awards, I found myself quite looking forward to going over the photos and video from the night so that I could piece together everything that went on. Alas my friends, I was sadly disappointed, as the GMA was not an event which promoted coherence, and the snatched recordings we came away with were no match for debauched power of the evening.

If you came to this post looking for a comprehensive document of the logistical workings of a games press event, I’m afraid you’re going to be as disappointed as I. If however, you’ve spent your weekend thus far pondering the question “I wonder just how much nightmarish lunacy the British side of the Dtoid team can get into over the course of a drunken night in London?”, then by staggeringly fortuitous coincidence this is exactly the story for you. I tried to make sense of it, I really did, but despite my BA-qualified moving image skills, not even my own dexterous editing prowess could build a sensible narrative out of Thursday night.

What I can present you with though, is a whirlwind of rag-tag nonsensical imagery, which in a roundabout, ironic way, sums up the tone of the night far better than something more coherent ever could have. I will warn you now though that the video has been labeled with a hard NSFW certificate for frequent medium to fearsome swearing, simulated scenes of a sexual nature, burlesque dancing, general debauchery, and my awful, awful, on-stage Guitar Hero III performance after too many glasses of wine. I learnt the important lesson that night that joining a world record gaming attempt in a room with a free bar on a game that you can’t play on hard mode even while sober is not a recipe for success, and I included the – thankfully blurry – footage as an example to us all. 

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David Houghton
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