Next Generation is reporting that GAME, the evil band of megalomaniacs who acquired Gamestation and threaten the UK with its perverse monopoly, is now viewing the online realm with envious eyes and draws its plans for a digital download service, clearly bored of selling secondhand games that don’t work and offering you a poisoned bag of pennies and earwigs for your traded in goods.
To be fair, the service doesn’t look too bad, which is a huge compliment for anything that British companies attempt online. Offering two packages, GAME is due to offer a range of 116 titles for £6.95 per month, or an ‘Ultimate Collection’ deal for a monthly £12.95 that provides 149 games with more recent titles available. Customers will be able to download and play whatever they like, with titles like Warhammer: Dawn of War and Spellforce 2 on the books, and GAME claims that new products will be available every month.
Yet, they are still fiends. You heard me.