Garden Flipper is my next guilty pleasure

Minus the part about guilt

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Folks, I’m back on my House Flipper bullshit.

The long-awaited (by me, and other honest-to-goodness human beings, I swear!) Garden Flipper DLC is now out on Steam. The original simulation game tasked players with clearing out nasty homes, sprucing them up with new appliances and decor, and selling them to the highest bidder. Repeat that room-by-room, home-by-home process countless times, and that’s House Flipper summed up. One major criticism was a lack of outdoor activities, an issue Garden Flipper aims to address for a fee.

“Before you’ll start planting trees and plans you’ll need to get rid of trash and rubble,” notes the game’s store listing. “Mow the lawn, hew unwanted trees, tear out weeds, and prepare your garden for a complete makeover! Map paths out, plant new trees and bushes, and set flowerbeds.”

Garden Flipper has 17 new orders (missions with specific demands from your clients), 500 items (around half of which are plants), and eight new manual-labor chores to fit the outdoor theme like weed whacking and shoveling. Is the expansion pack worth the $15 cost of entry? Not for everyone.

“This DLC is sold at almost the same price as the base game, but there’s not nearly as much content in this pack as in the original,” warned Steam user reviewer Treiden. “Wait for a sale if you really want this.”

I maintain that House Flipper is an excellent concept for a video game, but it’s not the best it could be. It’s fine! And something tells me Garden Flipper will resonate the same exact way. One day, someone will make a lovingly in-depth gardening sim in which we get to pick out specific flora to attract our wildlife of choice. For the time being, this straightforward Steam game is soothing enough.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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