If you’re the kind of person who flicks their bean with delirious joy over the idea of a console-exclusive game developer playing a console-exclusive game on the OTHER SIDE, then prepare to shoot a wad of liquid silk at the jawdropping concept of Gears of War 2‘s executive producer playing Killzone 2! Oh, that naughty man.
“I play a lot of things,” says Rod Fergusson, blowing our minds. “I play World of Warcraft. Most recently I finished 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, which was a lot of fun. I’ve been playing some Killzone, I’ve been playing some RE5.”
Unfortunately, Fergusson is also as frightened as a lamb of scary things, and won’t play Dead Space: “I struggle with horror games like Dead Space. I can’t distance myself from things I’m watching, so I don’t keep a professional distanceI’m the guy that cries in Bambi and jumps in thriller movies.”
Videogame developers playing videogames. What will they think of next?