Geek chic: Two girls, one Spread Shot, moustache and more

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PopCap has a couple of new Plants Vs Zombie shirt designs up on their store. The one you see above and one that says “Your Grass is Mine!” While the second one is extremely facepalm worthy, the Moustache one is just plain awesome. (via Offworld)

There’s a good collection of shirts to check out this week. Some are pretty awesome, some are funny and one is pretty damn gross. Check it all out after the break!

First up we got these neat screenburn shirts from LowRez. There’s a bunch of these on sale and they’re only identified by the year the game came out. I can’t tell what any of them are from except this Dig Dug one. (via Offworld)

This Nutritious Breakfast from Threadless one was actually displayed on Dtoid during this recent contest. If you didn’t win a shirt though, I highly recommend buying one before they’re all sold out!  

8-bit stickup is a rather funny shirt as a Nintendo holds up an arcade machine for all of it’s quarters. There’s a very limited amount on sale so you better act fast. Creepy guy with big ears not included.

I love the subtle kind of shirts. If you know what this is, then you’ll love wearing it around. If you don’t know what it’s from, well, you’re really young then. You can get this shirt over on NerdyShirts. (via ToplessRobot)

Yeah, this doesn’t really need an explanation. Get it over on SharkRobot.

As a final plug, check out the Exploded Store which carries an internal look at the Atari, Zapper, Xbox 360 and Wii.

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Hamza Aziz
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