German group’s ‘game burning’ protest was a huge failure Posted 19 October 2009 by Hamza Aziz Recommended VideosLast week, we told you about the German group attempting a modern-day book burning by having people bring in their violent videogames and toss them into the garbage. The Action Alliance believes that videogames are the root of all violent acts and it will all magically go away by having these evil games thrown away. The game dumping event took place this past Saturday and a total of three games and one CD were tossed into the garbage. One was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PS2, one was (what looks like) Battlefield and the third game was Small Soldiers for the Game Boy. The video above is a news report about the event and dramatically shows a couple of kids tossing said games into the dumpster. Here’s another news report that features more exaggerations. Someone also recorded the whole dumping of the games and you can see the cameraman making the kids throw the games in a few times. Here’s another video of all the games for laughs. As you can see, this event was a huge failure. As some of you noted in the original story, this group was organized by parents of the kids that were killed in a shooting in the same city. The shooter was a fan of Counter-Strike and this, to the parents, automatically meant that there’s a link between violent games and violent behavior. These parents are grieving, but this is not the way to go about it. Getting people to toss their games that they bought with their hard earned money (games in Germany are ridiculously priced) and creating a big show about it won’t work. Educating your kids, being involved in their lives and teaching them the difference between right and wrong, that’s how you make sure your kids don’t end up as giant f**k ups. [via IroN1c’s C Blog] About The Author Hamza Aziz More Stories by Hamza Aziz Filed under... #Censorship#Germany#Grand Theft Auto#Violence