Germany goes as far as to censor Left 4 Dead box art now?

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Okay, this is getting absolutely stupid. Not content to act like hypersensitive pussies and censor as many mature videogames as possible, it would seem that German authorities are going as far as censoring box art. The above image is the German cover art for Valve’s upcoming zombie shooter, Left 4 Dead. Can you see what’s wrong with this picture?

Yes, this artwork, unlike the cover art for all other regions, has a hand with its thumb perfectly attached. The other covers have the thumb bitten away, creating a silly but amusing visual gag — a dead left hand with four fingers, geddit? Apparently, German authorities do not geddit at all, remaining true to their reputation as humorless dicks. A reputation well deserved.

Did Valve really have to add a thumb just to appease Germany’s gestapo Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle ratings board? Either Valve was told to do it, or they did it of their own volition just to make sure all tracks were covered. Whichever scenario led to this pointless alteration, it’s a sad and rather pitiful example of just how much growing up Germany’s ratings board needs to do. Stuff like this helps nobody.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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