Get a look a what’s behind Decapre’s mask in these Ultra Street Fighter IV endings

Spoiler alert, kind of, sort of…not really

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If you are playing, will be playing, or don’t care either way about Ultra Street Fighter IV, the game’s story is probably not what comes to mind whenever it’s brought up. That said, it hasn’t stopped Capcom from creating anime style prologues and endings for each of Ultra‘s five additional characters. While Elena, Rolento, Hugo, and Poison are all known quantities, I have to admit I was curios as the just who the heck Decapre was. While her appearance basically tells us a great deal (surprise, she’s an evil Cammy), her ending and prologue do add a bit more.

I’m still waiting for the day when fighting game studios that still bother with story go ahead and ripoff Netherrealm’s formula. Honestly, Mortal Kombat 9 and Injustice gave us the perfect road map, just follow it.

See How Decapre and Her Fellow Newcomers Fit Into Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Story With These Prologue and Ending Videos [Shoryuken]


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Abel Girmay
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