Peel off your face
Media Molecule’s amazing upcoming Vita game, Tearaway, is a long month away from release. A recent PlayStation Blog post talked about the creative, do-it-yourself elements of the new title from the LittleBigPlanet developers.
“There are also in-game challenges that will allow you to personalize the world as you travel through it,” Media Molecule community manager James Spafford explained. “A squirrel who needs a new crown, a chap whose moustache has been stolen by crows, and a pig that’s too ugly… these are all examples of problems you’ll be asked to solve through the cutting out of virtual paper shapes.”
You can cut all sorts of papercraft to your liking in the game and decorate the world. You can even decorate your player character, either with custom designs or pre-made ones. “The whole process is pretty similar to convincing someone to hold still whilst you glue paper all over their face, except you can also peel off their existing features too (eww).”
Look at those screenshots! I need this game now. Come tear away.