Girls, want to beat boys at gaming? Here’s a handbook

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Wow. Wow. Wow. To drive home how insulting this is, I’m going to reverse the situation: You meander into Barnes and Noble, and whilst perusing the aisles you stumble upon a bright blue book titled “The Boy’s Guide To Gaming: How to Beat The Girls At Halo Every Time!” If you vomited on the floor and not on the actual book, I tip my hat to you.

I wish I was joking, but The Girl’s Guide to Gaming is very much a real book(with a pink cover no less) and available for sale this very moment. Here is the way the book is summarized on the product page:

Do you want to take on the boys at their own game and beat them every single time? You want to prove that games AREN’T just for the guys anymore! Are you, your daughter, your niece or your best friend a Nintendo DS or DS Lite girl gamer? Tired of other gaming publications ignoring all your favourite games in favour of the latest big boys toys? So you want all the latest gaming gossip and the hottest hints and tips especially written for you? So do we, and its about time.
The Girl’s Guide To Gaming! is the must have accessory for all Nintendo DS and DS Lite gaming girls, just like you.

The biggest issue with women in gaming is crap like this. If I march into a LAN party wearing a pair of pink crotchless underwear and no pants and expect to be taken seriously, I have no room to bitch that boys don’t look at me as a gamer. Perhaps toting this book around is a step less dramatic than the vagina-on-display tactic as mentioned above, but still and all, it only calls attention to the issue.

Just play games, girls. Gender is only an issue here if you choose to make it so.

[Via Play – Thanks Aerox!] 

About The Author
Colette Bennett
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