GOTY 2014: Best willful misspelling in a title

Pronounce your way out of an anus

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Might be your taste makers on this webpage made a Huge™ boner and left Samurai Gunn out of its 2014 game of the year plans. Because of its mid-December 2013 release, it was left out last year, too, and should have had 2014 eligibility. And there certainly isn’t a multiplayer game I’ve had more fun with over the course of the year than the only game trying to carry Bushido Blade‘s torch. 

And there ain’t a game that makes better use of a superfluous double consonant neither, so I am hereby awarding Samurai Gunn the Steven Hansen’s Destructoid’s 2014 GOTY award for Best willful misspelling in a title.  

Like a real gun or a decorative katana beneath your anime tits wall scroll, the second ‘n’ just makes you look cooler. This is how you name a game folks (incidentally, this is how you don’t name a game, for the love of my Rouroni Kenshin reverse blade replica katana).

Do you see a lazy, ’90s raditude ‘z’ slapped on the end there? Oh hell no. You may get three bullets per life, but there ain’t no god damn, highfalutin pluralization nonsense happening here on the part of developer Teknopants. No. They doubled downn. That shows grit. Character. “You pronounce every god damnn letter,” it screams. And you have to, or else you’re pronouncing it wrong, like when you pronounce anno (year) as ano (anus). This isn’t Samurai Ass. It’s Samurai Gunn. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing the former. Hit me up. 

(dis)Honorable mentions 

Shadow of Mordor. I know if you called it Sha-don’t of Mordor people might’ve been clued in it isn’t very good, but you can’t just go around making up decidedly uncromulent words like “shadow” to fit your marketing agenda. It’s embarrassing. “Shadow.” What’s that, a shady cow? I threw up less on my son’s Lincoln Logs the first time I heard “swapportunity.” 

Octodad: Dadliest Catch. Wow. I can’t believe this made it by legal/PR/dozens of unpaid interns and still hasn’t been amended. Just look the other way until the story blows over, right? 24-hour news cycle will bury it soon enough. Well just because no one else was competent enough to catch it doesn’t mean it’d get past my red pen and I’m going to keep banging on about it. Anyone who’s spent their unemployment stipend making a Miller High Life fort before 1PM would notice the missing “e” in Octodad‘s shameless plagiarism of the hit Discovery show about angry crab dads. You want to copy the name to boost your brand with web SEO? Fine. But don’t spell it wrong. 

Titanfall: Uh, I think you meant TitanFAIL am I right folks?!

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Steven Hansen
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