I think it’s safe to say that I like to play videogames; I wouldn’t be here writing this if I didn’t. And I’m all for competition, be it professional first-person shooter play or more casual play in someone’s living room. But this international “Guitar Hero Replay Marathon” record attempt announced today by the Guinness World Records has officially blown my mind.
The record attempt involves multiple Guitar Hero players dressing up like rock stars while they pass the guitar between one another, with only 15 seconds’ changeover between songs. I suppose this continues until someone drops dead or players decide they’d rather be playing Rock Band. Players will also be given the chance to form a group in order to break a record that I certainly hope doesn’t already exist — a high score set by six people playing one guitar, with each person on a fret button, and one on the strum bar.
While all of this sounds like drunken frat party antics (“Bro, I can totally beat ‘Shout at the Devil’ on Expert while doing a keg stand, dude.”), this is certainly no joke. The record attempts will take place between the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Canada, South Africa, and Australia. Shenanigans commence on February 6, stock up on your prescription meds now.