Haiku contest to win free game-related swag? Yeah, that’s the best idea I’ve had in a while. No need to thank me though, I’ve been congratulating myself in the mirror since I came up with the idea in the first place. I think next time I may ask you to do an interpretative dance video to a classic videogame song. I promise the prize will be good for that one.
Anyway, winners! There were some really hilarious haiku entries for the contest. In the end, our favorites came from Terry Bogard, Super Drybones and Justice. For instance, here is one of Super Drybones’ entries:
A pregnant virgin
God never touched that girl
A ninja did it
Can’t argue with that. Winners, I’ll be emailing you for addresses so we can send your swag. Losers, watch this incredible video as a consolation prize and know that we are going to announce two new contests as soon as tomorrow — you can still win free stuff!