Half-Minute Hero sequel apparently hitting Steam April 4

Marvelous AQL announces $999 price tag, Oculus Rift support*

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Much like life itself, April Fools’ Day is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get. Sometimes your candy is brimming with caramel. Other times, spiders are lurking in the nougat, just waiting to bite the roof of your mouth and lay eggs in your esophagus.

Today, of all days, Marvelous AQL has announced Half-Minute Hero: The Second Coming will hit Steam on April 4 for the low, low price of $999.99. But never fear: those that own the first game on Valve’s platform will receive a 25% discount on the sequel.

The deconstructionist role-playing game will feature full Steam Workshop support for the new map editor, four-player multiplayer, various upgrades, and Oculus Rift compatibility.

*Marvelous notes that not all of this information is true, asserting “in fact, some of it might be outright lies!” So that’s always fun. We’ll leave it up to you discerning individuals to decipher the truth.

About The Author
Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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