Half of Germany’s adult population plays videogames

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According to research done by Newzoo, half of the adult population of Germany plays videogames on a regular basis. The same applies to France and the United Kingdom, as all three countries combined have a total market of 153 million people who play on PCs, consoles, mobile platforms and on social websites like Facebook.

Germany is the most important market of the EU with a volume of €4.6 billion ($6.5 billion) and 24 million gamers, followed by the U.K. with €4.1 billion ($5.8 billion) and about 16 million gamers. Last but not least, there’s France with a volume of €3.2 billion ($4.5 billion) and 10,4 million gamers. Additionally, 63% of the men play videogames and 54% of the women now enjoy videogames.

Altogether, it is quite an impressive market, where a lot of money can be made. Now, if only someone could explain to me why we’re getting shafted so often when it comes to localizations! The EU gets games later then the U.S. (if at all) on a regular basis!

Making Games News-Flash – Über die Hälfte der volljährigen Deutschen spielt regelmässig Videospiele (Gamestar.de)

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