In this rather nifty write-up on the Halo 3 phenomenon, and one can indeed call it that, we learn that the second sequel in Microsoft’s crown jewel has already shifted over a million copies before its release date of September 25th. The videogame, set in a future where frat boys rule the Internet and the word “fag” has become a universal greeting is, quite literally, huge. Huger perhaps than we ‘hardcore’ gamers, who care less for the mainstream with our smug veneer and obscure chateaux l’something wine, might wish to admit.
The article does a good job of showing how big of a deal Halo 3 is. Microsoft is going to be pumping millions into the promotion of this title and you can expect to see Master Chief’s helmet everywhere as we enter the fall — on drinks cans, on your french fries, and of course on your television screens. I can’t imagine there will be anything less than a merchandising explosion, and Pepsi has recently struck a large promotional deal with The ‘Soft. Whether you game or not, you will likely know the name Halo before the year is out.
Go read the article, absorb the hugeness of Halo 3 and then ask yourself — why are videogames still treated like a lesser form of entertainment? It quite literally does not make sense when you see the launch of a game treated like the next blockbuster hit movie.
[Cheers to TheGoldenDonut for being such a luxurious baked good]