Microsoft’s Project Natal is an attempt to snatch grannies from their Wiis or a brilliant way to make gamers look like bigger retards while huddled in front of expensive television sets. Either way, it doesn’t matter: Microsoft’s motion controller thing is coming and with it, a host of new gaming possibilities. It’s likely that next year (if that actually is when Natal hits), we’ll surely be assaulted with a variety of videogame tie-ins — many of the quirky variety, no doubt. Bungie Software’s Halo: Reach could be one of those games.
Speaking to the Seattle Times (via Kotaku), Bungie big man Harold Ryan said Project Natal support for the announced but mysterious Halo: Reach is a possibility. “I absolutely think ‘Reach’ could be enabled with it,” he said simply.
We like the idea of subtle gesturing for a grenade if the action is too hot for a button press. As long as Bungie strays from the Wii-tacular stuff — waggling to cut a sausage, shaking to avoid an enemy, or cranking to open a door — we’ll be completely fine. Of course, Bungie is a great studio: we shouldn’t sweat it.
Ryan’s statement wasn’t a confirmation; so don’t take Natal-plus-Reach to the bank. But we can dream our beautiful gesture dreams. What would you guys like to do in Halo with the might of Project Natal behind it?