Happy National Videogames Day! … no, we didn’t know it existed either

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I hope your Videogame Tree is up and you’ve left out your NES controller for Father Gameness, because today is National Videogames Day! Proving that there is indeed a day for everything, from quitting smoking to wearing condoms, National Videogames Day is one of two game-based holidays, accompanying July 8th’s Videogames Day. This is just like that day, except the word National is at the beginning, and that makes it very different indeed …. for crying out loud. According to Holiday Insights, this is what NVD (fully approved by American Greeting Cards, of course) is all about:

Video Games Day celebrates popular video games that stormed onto the market, and changed the way your kids play games. From Atari to Nintendo to Xbox, video games provide all too many hours of playing time on your television set.

How do you celebrate this joyous event? Why, you play videogames of course! Every single game you play this day will carry a little bit of pixie dust with it, infused as it is by National Videogames Day magic. I can feel my dignity just peeling away with every word I type. 

We might as well play along. Tell me what games you want to honor for National Videogames Day. What titles have touched your heart through the years, which games industry figures you want to give thanks to and what games you will play for this arbitrarily chosen, thoroughly meaningless faux-holiday. Feel free to post and let the world know. 

[Thanks, Justin]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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