Happy one year anniversary amiibo, you wretched little things

The Trinity shortage was a year ago

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It’s crazy to think that exactly one year ago today, I was hopping from store to store to pick up the first ever wave of amiibo. While characters like Mario were extremely easy to find, I distinctly noticed that even though I was able to pick up the Marth, Villager, and Wii Fit Trainer figures, that there were only a few per store. By the time I got home the “Trinity” debacle had already started unfolding, and shortages in the US are still a thing to this day.

As I noted a few months ago, I stopped getting into hardcore hunting. I haven’t waited in line once since then, though I will break that trend tomorrow waiting for Lottie (a Target exclusive), so I can hang out with a friend as he picks one up for his wife. Still, I’ve opened the packages of every single one of my figures — I like their look and their functionality — and with the help of some amazing readers and friends, I’ve managed to snag every amiibo to date.

They’re cool little items for sure, and even though Nintendo has gotten the situation more under control compared to the disasters of Wave 3 and the like, it can still get a bit sticky. Here’s to another year of hopefully curbing back, though all of the recently announced US amiibo bundles show no signs of that happening.

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!
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