Help Destructoid beat Machinima in Tribes: Ascend!

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[Update: The winners are Aequitas, Altum Videtur, Arttemis, Holopoint, and Matthew Wood! Thanks to everyone who tried out!] 

On Tuesday, May 8 at 2 PM Pacific, Destructoid will be challenging our friends over at Machinima to a 7 versus 7 match of Tribes: Ascend! We’ll be streaming the match live on Dtoid.TV, so be sure to tune in and watch us train our trigger fingers on this rival community!

But that’s not all! We also need YOUR help to make this work! We’re looking for three Dtoid community members to join our team of ultimate badasses and help us annihilate Machinima at this free-to-play jetpack and ski-athon. Do you have what it takes?

If you think you’re up to the task (and you’re certain you’ll be available at 2 PM on the 8th), join me tomorrow night for a round of Tribes to fight for a spot! I’ll be hosting a qualifying match during our normal Friday Night Fights gathering, so look up player MrAndyDixon and show me what you’ve got!

About The Author
M Randy
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