I don’t know who it was that came up with the idea to paint a little fly or dot or target on the inside bowl of your average public urinal, but he (or she) was a genius. It took advantage of man’s need to urinate, and combined it with man’s desire to direct the stream somewhere, anywhere. Pure inspiration, I say.
And Sega’s taking it to the next level, with the greatest games hardware advancement they’ve made since the Dreamcast: the Toylet.
As hinted above, you control the thing with the power of your stream, aiming at sensors mounted in the surface of the bowl to control one of four available minigame types, which are shown on a screen mounted at eye level. The games available include graffiti erasure, controlling a mischievous gust of wind set on flipping ladies’ skirts, and a simple one that estimates how much liquid was released based on the stream pressure.
Most intriguing, however, is a game involving using the stream pressure to push a sumo wrestler out of the ring. The opponent’s power level is determined by the pressure of the last person to use the urinal. So yeah, multiplayer and leaderboards.
Throw in some achievements and we’ll all get to filling our bladders in pursuit of victory!