It seems that porting/updating GoldenEye for a “next-gen” system has pretty much been a major demand of gamers since companies started porting and revamping old games for new systems. And since that day people have been arguing over which system the game should land on. An HD upgrade on the Xbox 360 has been a common chant by many, but when a new version of GoldenEye was finally revealed it landed on the Wii.
I’m not complaining at all. I love my Wii and I’m happy to have the game on it, but the swirling assumptions and complaints about the game’s final destination led me to wonder why the Wii was selected as the console of choice. Julian Widdows, Executive Producer at Activision Blizzard UK gladly answered that question with a tone of finality and defiance.
“Because the console and its audience deserves a cutting edge shooter,” he said, “because Eurocom and ATVI have something to prove — that Nintendo’s machine is underestimated in terms of its ability to deliver serious, credible, mature experiences — and because it feels so natural to bring GoldenEye home to Nintendo.”
There you have it. The Wii deserves this and Eurocom and ATVI want to prove that it does. Good enough reasoning for you? Stay tuned this weekend to find out more as the entire interview goes up then.