If you read (or scrolled down to the end of) the Dtoid review of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, then you already know what I think of the game. But hey, I’m a (sort of) gaming journalist, right? My life, and my relationship with videogames, is probably pretty different from yours. That’s not to say that my opinion on the game shouldn’t mean anything to you, but it stands to reason that you might also want to know what “regular” people think of the game too.
That’s what I’m hoping this video provides for you; regular people letting you know what they think of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. OK, maybe they aren’t all totally “regular”. Amongst the ordinary civilians, I happened to bump into Yipes and Sanford Kelly, two of the best Marvel vs. Capcom 2 players on the planet. I didn’t get a match in with either of them though, which sort of sucked.
I did get to take on a couple of other TvC pros at the event, but that’ll have to wait for another post.