Here’s what you thought of Metroid Prime: Federation Force

This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

Mixed emotions!

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So, Metroid Prime: Federation Force, guys! It was announced, and it was quickly banished into the corner of E3 hours later — the corner that no one wanted to talk about. But there were a lot of people who had strong opinions on the matter, so talk we shall. I read through every comment, and picked out all sides of the argument as best I could.

Here’s a selection of what everyone had to say about the announcement and the prospect of another spinoff Metroid game before a proper series entry.

Crooks kicked things off, explaining why people might hate it:

I don’t care about Metroid, but that game just looks like some cheap shitty looking robots with the Metroid name slapped on. These could be any kind of robots, only the form of the head looks a bit like metroid. I can understand that people hate it.

FlanxLycanth is already done with Federation Force:

Why is this even a question. It’s shit, we can all see that. Let’s talk about something more important like Lemonade or bra sizes.

Electric Reaper says it shouldn’t be called “Metroid“:

Speaking for myself, I was looking for another main entry in the Metroid series, like another 2D sidescroller adventure platformer shooter, or a 3D adventure shooter with puzzle elements. Federation Force just doesn’t really fit with the Metroid games with Samus Aran as the player character, like Fusion, Zero Mission, or Corruption.

I’m honestly thinking the “Metroid” part of Metroid Prime: Federation Force should be removed, since even though it takes place in the Metroid universe, it doesn’t seem to involve Samus Aran in any way, or the traditional elements of a Metroid game. The game might still be fun on its own, but it’s not a true Metroid game.

NinjaBlaze is not happy with any aspect of it:

I don’t like the notion that being disappointed with the game is associated with being a rabid Metroid fan or a Nintendo fan that doesn’t like change.

I have no problems with games going in different directions and trying new things, and I’m not the biggest Metroid fan by any stretch

I just think the game will be shitty because it, well, looks like shit, in general. Everything down to the aesthetics to the gameplay design choices. It’s not that it looks like a bad Metroid game, it just looks like a bad game in general imo.

Nathan D says this is indicative of a bigger problem at Nintendo:

The problem with the “don’t buy it” argument is that if it bombs, knowing Nintendo they’ll take it as no one being interested in the series and shelf it for longer. As of now it looks like even if this doesn’t bomb that another core game is at least 3 years away regardless.

Applying simple business properties to Nintendo is like trying to use calculus to unplug a toilet, not compatible.

JohnSmith123 had a lighter view, but was still disappointed:

After Other M, I hoped that Nintendo would make a good Metroid game that’d bring fans back to franchise. This was their answer. A co-op dudebro shooter that takes Samus out the game entirely with Metroid tacked on the front. Oh and soccer.

I’m kind of bummed out by that.

Pedrovay2003 weighs in on this, and Other M, and it doesn’t sound hopeful:

Honestly, from what I’ve seen right now, it looks like Generic Space Shooter: The Game. I haven’t even seen a hint of what makes Metroid Prime what it is other than the camera angles, and graphically, I think Hunters on the original DS looked better.

I’m one of the very few people I know (at least on the Internet) who truly liked Other M. It wasn’t without its flaws, sure, but I thought it was a fine entry into the Metroid series. This new game doesn’t even remind me of Metroid; if it wasn’t in the title, I wouldn’t know what series it belonged to, if any. Seeing as how it’s more of a spinoff than a main title, though, I really can’t complain too much; I just probably won’t buy it, because it doesn’t look like it offers anything over co-op first-person shooters I can get on consoles or the PC.

Fenriff has a pretty middle of the road view on it:

Whether or not it will be a fun game is anyone’s guess at this point. It might very well turn out to be good. The problem is the slapping of the Metroid name on it seemingly just to help it sell. It’s not even the fact that Samus isn’t in it. Metroid, at least for me, isn’t about Samus, it’s about that sense of wonder and exploration. Fighting your way through alien hordes on an alien world alone. This seems like a mission based co-op shooter with Metroid Prime paint.

Who knows though.

Warruz is more hopeful:

I am generally ok with this game, I wish the style was more….Hunters looking and personally I think they should drop Prime from the title (Metroid: Federation Force), but generally the concept I am for. Its a chance to actually expand the Metroid universe outside of just Samus which simply put hasn’t happened and if the franchise is to grow then its a must.

Nintendo know’s its fans in that they don’t take to new IP’s well(see Code Name Steam, even though its a good game), so if Nintendo wants to provide different games like an FPS game that involves co-op then they need to take an existing universe and do it there. Simply put, Metroid is the universe to build FPS games in, and Metroid Prime is more of an adventure game then it was a shooter(first two games didn’t even really have aiming, it was just lock on). So whats the way to get a more traditional FPS game for Nintendo? Expand the Metroid Universe.

Just drop prime from the title and reconsider the look.

Zen Grenadier will wait until launch to decide:

Honestly I don’t care much for the title. I only want to know two things.

Is it fun? And will it keep me invested in playing it after the first day? Answers I won’t know until I get to try it. These are the only things I care about in a video game.

And Waifus. I REALLY care if it was Waifus.

Evergreen doesn’t seem to mind at all:

Would I rather have a more traditional Metroid? Of course!

At the same time, I’m glad to see Nintendo taking a risk with one of their IPs and doing something new with it.

chiptoon is another righteous individual who liked Other M, and weighs in on Federation:

I loved Other M. Its such a blast to play. Its like arcade Metroid.

I’m also quite keen on Federation Force. I think they could have sidestepped alot of the negativity by not adding Metroid Prime to the name. Just let it be in the universe without headlining that fact.

Vectorman12345 says this situation is familiar:

Honesty, I’m willing to give it a chance. I remember when the original Metroid Prime came out, people complained about the first person view and how it wasn’t true to the nature of the Metroid series.

As a group, we gamers have entitlement problems, I admit it. But when it comes to situations like this, I’ll choose to judge the game for what it is and not for what it isn’t. Doing that sort of thing can deprive you of potential enjoyment.

Seriously though, someone should write an article about the vitriol for the original Metroid Prime before it came out.

Isay Isay gave us some valuable insight into the decision:

Well 4 isn’t a prime number, so they had to mix it up.

There you have it! See, we can have a discussion about video games.

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor/Reviews Director
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!