I know that fans of all things retro were excited to see this crazy awesome design, which was actually created by our own Destructoid community member welkstar as the art for his Retroforce Game Museum project. Of course, seeing this design transformed into a t-shirt was a total thrill, but for the ladies who enjoy RetroforceGO! and don’t like to hide their curves, a man’s shirt doesn’t quite do the job.
Per Dyson’s promise, the ladies versions of these shirts are now available through Split Reason for $15.95. Printed on luscious American Apparel tees, there’s no better thing that you can do with your jugs than wrap them in retro-flavored robot art (at least when it comes to putting clothing on them, anyway). Get to ordering, girls — take it from me, showing your love for the robot gets you some sexy gamer boy action.