Hip-hop and Punch Out!!, like peanut butter and jelly

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California-based emcee Murs knows what’s up — it’s time ya’ll recognize the fury that was Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! for the NES.

An homage to the classic 8-bit title, this video for the Murs track “Murray’s Revenge” (taken from the 2006 album of the same name) was clearly created by people who truly have a love for that particular era in gaming. With direct nods to the game itself spilled all over the screen, it’s likely only a matter of time before Nintendo’s legal hounds break out of their cages.

And hey — if Taito can ressurect Legend of Kage, isn’t it about time we get another Punch-Out!! title, Nintendo?

[Thanks to Jason B. and Nelson L. at GameVideos for the heads up on this one]

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Nick Chester
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