After years of disdain, I finally get why people love Goldeneye. It’s the perfect “bridge” FPS.
FPSs are normally a love it or hate it affair. People who love the genre love it with a passion rarely seen in other aspects of gaming, or in any medium for that matter. Likewise, people that don’t like FPSs really don’t like them. Everything about the genre; the complex controls, the competitiveness, the generally war-torn settings, they can all be a real turn off.
Yet, everybody seems to like James Bond. That’s just the start of how Goldeneye bridges the gap between FPS fans and FPS haters. Then there is the fact that on the Wii, Goldeneye can be played with the genre-standard classic controller scheme, or with a beginner friendly “point and shoot” Wii remote and nunchuck option. Combine that with what felt like fewer instant deaths, easy to traverse maps, and a generally more accepting atmosphere, and you have a FPS that’s suitable for just about everyone.
I played the game while holding a microphone to my face. My video producer played it while keeping his camera focused on the gameplay. Felicia played it with f*cking cat paws. We all still had fun. If that’s not an all-inclusive FPS, I don’t know what is.