How do Charon Obol Points work in Hades 2?

Never leave the witchcave without it.

charon gold rewards cards in hades 2 and how to get them

Despite Charon’s reputation as an ardent shopkeeper, he certainly isn’t stingy in Hades 2. After progressing your relationship with the Stygian Boatman, he may toss you a mysterious black card used for something in the Crossroads. But what are Charon Obol Points in Hades 2, and how do they work?

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You should be able to unlock Obol Points in Hades 2 after you speak enough times with Charon. Whenever you see the chat icon appear above his head, be sure to have MelinoĆ« strike up a conversation. You may also need to give Charon at least one bottle of Nectar, unlocking his Keepsake. That’s what I did before he offered me the card for the first time, so if he hasn’t gifted one to you yet, save a bottle for him. If all else fails, keep chatting with NPCs and making more progress in the story.

How do Charon Obol Points work in Hades 2 - new card
Thanks, Charon mate. | Screenshot by Destructoid

Charon Obol Points and how they work in Hades 2

Charon will give you your first Obol Points card for free, which he tosses on the ground. Pick it up, and soon you should see the Boatman and Headmistress Hecate discussing “valuable” shipments while near the cauldron back at the Crossroads. If so, then you have unlocked the next step: Rewards!

How do Charon Obol Points work in Hades 2 - hecate discussion
Screenshot by Destructoid

Head down to the small dock near the Shadow Broker and look for a small, white and gold chest with the action icon floating just above it. Activate the chest to open up a list of materials you can purchase from Charon by trading the cards.

How do Charon Obol Points work in Hades 2 - chest for points
Screenshot by Destructoid

You can trade the cards in for a large amount of materials, ranging from Ashes to Psyche and more. Many items need more than one Obols Point card, and each requires a certain amount of ‘time’ to pass before they get delivered. Said time is called ‘While’, and here’s how it works. You cannot trade for more goods until a shipment gets delivered. More rewards items come available as you progress through the game and unlock new materials.

How do Charon Obol Points work in Hades 2 - how to purchase items
Screenshot by Destructoid

Also, be sure to check the Fated List of Minor Prophecies for one specifically about the cards.

How to get more Obol Points in Hades 2

As it is with many rewards, the first one is free. You get more Obol Points in Hades 2 with every 1,000 gold you spend at Charon’s shop. Once you hit the threshold, a ‘+1’ and card icon will appear above your head. You may also purchase a Obol Points card for 600 gold before the final fight of the run, though it’s not guaranteed to be available every run.

How do Charon Obol Points work in Hades 2 - earning a new card
Screenshot by Destructoid

As of now, these seem to be the only ways to get more cards in your inventory. Best of luck out there, and don’t forget to spend, spend, spend!

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Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.
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