How online dating affected the development of Hunted

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The experience of inXile’s upcoming action/dungeon crawler Hunted is firmly rooted in a two-player cooperative experience. But with the lack of split-screen play, you’ll be doing all of your cooperative hunting online. But what if you don’t have a buddy to tag along? No worries, says inXile’s president Matt Findley — Hunted ships with some solid matchmaking features, thanks in part to the wonderful world of online dating sites.

When setting up a game, Hunted will look at the way you already play the game, taking into account things like the rate of enemies you kill versus time played, for instance. Additionally, you’ll be presented with more than a handful of options to choose from. Do you want to play only as E’lara, the game’s female ranged weapons expert? Or with another player at a more advanced skill level?

“Our crazy multiplayer programmer did all of this research on dating sites,” Findley says, laughing. “We wanted to find a system that would allow players to find players to play the game like they want to play.”

“You can change all of these settings,” he continues, “plus the game studies the way you play the game as well, and tries to create a really good match… like you would on”

For more details on inXile’s upcoming title, don’t miss our romantic preview of Hunted. The game has a “TBA” release date for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.

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Nick Chester
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