How to beat Rumble Run, Hearthstone’s latest Solo Adventure

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Hearthstone’s latest Solo Adventure, Rumble Run, sees you take the role of Rikkar, a Troll champion preparing to do battle against a series of eight fierce AI gladiators. 

To begin, you must first choose a team to represent. This is done by choosing one of three powerful Shrine cards randomly offered to you, out of pool of 27. Shrines are minions with unique effects that will begin in play on your side of the board. The Shrine you choose will dictate which one of Hearthstone’s nine classes you will play as and will give you a 10-card deck to use in your first battle. After each successful victory, you will be able to pick one of three randomly generated card ‘buckets’ to add to your deck. Card buckets consist of three random cards that all fit a certain theme, such as ‘Elementals’ or ‘Fire’.

The AI-controlled gladiators faced in Rumble Run represent the other eight Hearthstone classes aside from the one you choose, and will come equipped with Shrines of their own. You will face up against the same gladiators each time you play through a Rumble Run, but the order they are encountered and their decks and Shrines will be randomised with each play through. As you progress through Rumble Run, your AI-controlled opponents will gain more Health, stronger decks, and eventually more Mana Crystals with each successive victory. If you are able to defeat all eight gladiators, you will be rewarded with the Rumble Run card back.

With so many pivotal choices at each stage of a Rumble Run it can be very daunting at times. To aid you, we’ve provided and full Rumble Run guide and compiled a list of guides for each class, including all of the Shrines, to help give you the best chance of success: 

  • The Druid class is very balanced in its nature. With a good mix of defensive tools, small tokens, and big minions, the Druid class is a great choice if you wish to be flexible in your play style. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Druid guide.
  • The Hunter class is very aggressive and a good choice for those who wish to be relentless. By using a broad range of Beasts and pairing them with a mix of spells and trap, your opponents will always feel threatened. A full list of strategies can be found in out Rumble Run Hunter guide.
  • The Mage class is the master of magic. It is a great choice if you wish to stay in full control of the game without ever having to worry about playing minions. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Mage Guide.
  • The Paladin class is if you like building strong and stable boards. By using a broad range of buffs, Paladin minions are resilient and anything can become a large threat. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Paladin Guide.
  • The Priest class is all about manipulation. By copying cards, stealing minions, and changing minion’s stats, the Priest class is a great choice if you enjoy unpredictability. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Priest guide.
  • The Rogue class sides with skulduggery. By stealing cards and abusing cheap spells, Rogues are great if you want to win through fun and exciting ways. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Rogue guide.
  • The Shaman class is great at creating large boards out of nowhere. By abusing spells and Battlecry effects they can turn a little into a lot. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Shaman guide.
  • The Warlock class has no sense of self-preservation. By sacrificing cards and Health, you can quickly rush down opponents by any means necessary. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Warlock guide.
  • The Warrior class likes to play defensive. By using big minions and gaining copious amounts of Armor, Warriors are great if you like to play slow and steady. A full list of strategies can be found in our Rumble Run Warrior guide.

The following nine gladiators represent each of Hearthstone’s classes and will be the opposition you must defeat in your Rumble Run:

  • Wardruid Loti represents the Druid class. She will use decks that can slowly turn her Shrine into a powerful minion, repeatedly floods the board with spell minions, or gain copious amounts of Armor. For further details and strategies, check out our Wardruid Loti guide.
  • Zul’jin represents the Hunter class. He will use decks that can empower small Beasts with powerful effects, snowball out of control with large Beasts, or create huge walls of Secrets. For further details and strategies, check out our Zul’jin guide.
  • Hex Lord Malacrass represents the Mage class. He will use decks that can greatly empower his Hero Power, utilise huge amounts of Spell Damage, or benefit from using lots of Freeze effects. For further details and strategies, check out our Hex Lord Malacrass guide.
  • High Priest Thekal represents the Paladin class. He will use decks that use a large number of minions buffs, uses self-damage to greatly damage your Hero, or creates huge walls of big minions with Divine Shields. For further details and strategies, check out our High Priest Thekal guide.
  • Princess Talanji represents the Priest Class. She will use decks that can generate free Priest spells, turn healing into damage, or use lots of powerful Deathrattle minions. For further details and strategies, check out our Princess Talanji guide.
  • Captain Hooktusk represents the Rogue Class. She will use decks that aggressively summon Pirates, steal cards from your deck, or use large amounts of spells. For further details and strategies, check out our Captain Hooktusk guide,
  • Zentimo represents the Shaman class. He will use decks that play lots of cheap spells and Murlocs, use Overload effects to buff friendly minions, or use lots of powerful Battlecry minions. For further details and strategies, check out our Zentimo guide.
  • High Priestess Jeklik represents the Warlock class. She will use decks that utilise lots of Discard effects, play lots of spells that cost Health instead of Mana, or deflect all self-damage taken toward your Hero. For further details and strategies, check out our High Priestess Jeklik guide.
  • War Master Voone represents the Warrior Class. He will use decks that allow his minions to attack again when they Overkill, snowball out of control with big Dragons, or gain large amounts of Armor to turn his Shrine into a powerful minion. For further details and strategies, check out our War Master Voone guide.

[Icy Veins is part of the Enthusiast Gaming Network! Gather around the fire as they share their best Hearthstone decks and tips.]

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IcyVeins Kat
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