With the release of The Teal Mask DLC, Feebas has finally come to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. And, as is tradition, this fish is a bit of a pain to find. It fortunately won’t consume as much of your time to catch as it may have in past generations. However, you do need to know where to go.
Here’s everything you need to know to catch and evolve Feebas.

Where to find Feebas in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask
To find Feebas, we need to find a very specific lake. And this one in particular happens to be inside a cave. First travel to the Crystal Pool fast travel point. You should unlock this naturally as you complete the main story, but if you haven’t been here yet, it’s almost dead center on the map.

Once you arrive, cross the bridge and move straight ahead. You should notice a strange looking mound to your right before you hit the wall.

Turn right and move a few paces forward. You should notice that that mound is, in fact, an entrance to a cave. Go inside.

Fall straight down the hole. You should land in what looks like a nest for several different types of Pokemon. While you might have a good opportunity to fill out your Pokedex here, look to your left instead. You should see another passageway. Enter this.

You’ll fall down another hole and land in a lake. This is where Feebas will spawn. It may take some time to appear, so don’t get frustrated if one doesn’t pop up right away. You should see what looks like tear drops on the surface of the water to indicate one will poke its head out.
Since Feebas is a pure Water-Type, I didn’t bother to make a sandwich here to boost its appearance rate. You may see Pokemon like Barboach appear here as well.

Fortunately, catching Feebas shouldn’t be any trouble. It only knows Splash, Tackle, and Flail, so it can’t knock itself out. Use a Dive Ball to catch it easier, or a Quick Ball to potentially grab it right on your first turn.
How to evolve Feebas into Milotic in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask
Once you have Feebas, evolving it into Milotic unfortunately isn’t terribly straightforward. Following the rules introduced in Generation 5, you’ll have to obtain a Prism Scale. Have Feebas hold the item, and then trade it to a friend. It will evolve into Milotic afterwards.
Yes, it’s 100% a pain that you have to go through a trade evolution. Fortunately, you may have some luck using one of our trade codes to find a like-minded person who also needs to evolve a Feebas.

How to get the Prism Scale in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask
As for obtaining the Prism Scale itself, you have a few sources. The most straightforward way to find this item is by filling out your Kitakami Pokedex. Once you obtain 140 monsters, you’ll receive a Prism Scale for free. Just make sure to claim it by opening up the Kiakami Pokedex and pressing the X button.

Alternatively, you can find a Prism Scale by traveling to the Fellhorn Gorge on the east side of the map. Go to the location shown above, and you’ll see a normal Pokeball laying on the ground. Pick this up and you’ll earn a Prism Scale.

If you need to farm more Prism Scales, you have a chance to earn them via the Ogre Oustin’ minigame. However, the above two sources are far more efficient ways to obtain the item.

You can catch Feebas and Milotic via Tera Raids as well
If the thought of going through all this trouble just sounds like a pain, you can obtain both Feebas and Milotic via Tera Raid battles. Feebas can appear as a 2 or 3-Star raid, whereas Milotic will pop up as a 5 or 6-Star raid.
Obviously, if you happen to see either of these Pokemon as raid encounters, this is far easier than going through any of the above steps. However, that is a big if. Many different Pokemon can appear as raids, so waiting for either of these two specifically could take quite a while. If you’re an avid Tera Raid player, you may just naturally see these monsters appear. Otherwise, you may want to bite the bullet and find a trade partner to get Milotic for yourself.
Published: Sep 18, 2023 02:41 pm