Star Ocean Second Story R offers players not only a vast array of gear and accessories to collect but also the opportunity to unlock characters from previous Star Ocean games. Here’s how to find every Assault Formation character in Star Ocean Second Story R.
How to get every Assault Formation Character Jewels in Star Ocean Second Story R?
Players can unlock six characters from past Star Ocean games by finding their corresponding jewel. Here’s how to unlock them:
As you progress through the game and reach Krosse Cave, Laeticia will be automatically unlocked and available as a assault character upon receiving the Laeticia Jewel.
In order to unlock Edge, you will need to trade one of three specific types of fish with an NPC named Reel in Harley. The fish that can be traded are Harbor Amago, Divine Char, or Spring Child. Of these, Harbor Amago is the easiest to obtain as you can find it just to the west of Kurik. Once you have one of these fish, take it to Reel and trade it for the Edge Jewel.
You can also unlock Raymond by trading fish with Reel. In this case, you will need to collect 22 different types of fish and trade them with Reel in exchange for the Raymond Jewel. Make sure to explore different fishing spots to find a diverse range of fish.
To unlock Fayt, navigate to the Mission Tab and select Challenge Missions. In the Expert tab, look for the “Use assault actions 50 times!” challenge. Complete this challenge to earn the Fayt Jewel and unlock Fayt.
Roddick can also be unlocked through a Challenge Mission. In the Expert tab, find the “Complete guild missions 30 times!” task. By completing this challenge, you will receive the Roddick Jewel, allowing you to add him to your assault.
To unlock the character Fidel in the game, you must first complete a Challenge Mission called “Defeat 1 Raid Enemy!“. However, before attempting this mission, you will need to progress in the game and unlock the flying transport vehicle that allows you to fly around the map. Once you have the flying transport vehicle, keep an eye out for the raid enemies. These raid enemies are indicated on the world map by large red swirling icons.
You can find a raid enemy at the back of the mountains behind Fun City. These enemies are formidable, but defeating them offers great rewards. After defeating the raiding enemy, return to the Challenge Missions menu and navigate to the Specialist tab. Look for the “Defeat 1 raid enemy!” challenge and claim it to obtain the Fidel Jewel.