Another Crab’s Treasure players are sure to find plenty of jokes, Easter eggs, and more during their playthrough. One of the more obvious finds is jokes written on popsicle sticks that are planted in the sand. Only, an answer to the classic corny jokes are seemingly nowhere to be found. You’ll be happy to hear that finding them is simple.
The popsicle sticks have the answers
If you’re like me, you’ve seen plenty of popsicle sticks with a great first line of a joke in Another Crab’s Treasure. Then, you walk away wondering what the answer could possibly be. The answer is right in front of you: just hit the popsicle stick with your fork.
Attacking the stick once will cause it to rise from the ground, revealing the answer to the joke on the other end. It’s really that simple. It works for any of the popsicle sticks visible around the first area of the game. Hitting things in Another Crab’s Treasure is almost always the right thing to do.
Crab Souls Easter eggs
Popsicle stick jokes aren’t the only Easter eggs you’ll find in Another Crab’s Treasure. There are QR codes to scan, fish you can pet like a dog, and much more. If you’re a big fan of exploration in games, and souls games especially, it’s a fun one.
Popsicle sticks are one of the earliest available little Easter eggs. Best of all, it’s easy to find and reveal their answers, and they’re right at the beginning of the game. Good luck in the Sands Between, where it gets much harder to stop and read the popsicle sticks.