While exploring the Mines in Stardew Valley, you might come across something called a Trinket. There are a number of new Trinkets that have been added with the 1.6 update, including some very useful ones to aid you during combat. One of them is the Fairy Box.
Trinkets are akin to having Summoning powers, calling useful beings to your side who will aid you during battle within the Mines. This particular Trinket, the Fairy Box, will heal you if your health begins to drop and that can be incredibly useful, particularly at deeper levels of the Mines.
How to get the Fairy Box
The Fairy Box, along with other Trinkets, is obtained by defeating enemies within the Mines. It doesn’t seem to matter which mobs you are taking down, I’ve received Trinkets by defeating everything from Slimes to Shadow Brutes. Each Trinket has a unique ability, but the Fairy Box’s healing ability makes it the best for diving deep into the Mines.
How to equip the Fairy Box
As with all Trinkets, you equip a Fairy Box simply by placing it into the star slot within your inventory (the top one on the Right side of your character portrait). Once you’ve equipped it, you’ll find a Fairy following you, boosting your health if it starts to dip.
I would recommend not relying on the Fairy Box to sustain you alone — you should still take food and medicines with you if you want to survive against large mobs.